February 22, 2025
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CEC and ZESCO sign initial BSA

In accordance with section 3.4(a) of the Lusaka Securities Exchange Listings Requirements (“LuSE Listings Requirements”), the Board of Directors of the Copperbelt Energy Corporation PLC (“CEC”) or (“the Company”) wishes to inform the shareholders of the Company, and the market, that the Company and ZESCO Limited (“ZESCO”) have signed a new bulk supply agreement (BSA).

Succeeding the previous agreement that expired on 31 March 2020, the new BSA, with a term of 13 years effective 1 April 2022, anchors the commercial terms for the provision of services between the two companies.

The Agreement is the culmination of the fruitful negotiations that have been taking place between CEC and ZESCO since January 2022.

By Order of the Board

Julia C Z Chaila
Company Secretary

Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on Wednesday, June 22, 2022

about CEC

Copperbelt Energy Corporation is a Zambian-based power infrastructure solutions provider. It supplies reliable, cost-effective power to industrial, commercial, and residential customers across sub-Saharan Africa.

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