February 22, 2025
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CEC corporate profile

We are pleased to release the CEC corporate profile, which helps you to understand ‘Who we are’, ‘Where we are from’, ‘What we do’, ‘What we are about’ and ‘Key milestones’ in our journey thus far.

Below we set out some extracts from the corporate profile:

WHO we are, WHERE we are from, WHAT we do

The Copperbelt Energy Corporation PLC (CEC) is an independent power transmission, distribution and generation company with interests in closely linked businesses in Zambia and the African region, including optic fibre based telecommunications. Listed on the Lusaka Stock Exchange and a member of the Southern African Power Pool, CEC has a deep insight into the mining industry, having reliably met the industry’s unique power requirements for more than 60 years, among them some of the world’s wettest. CEC provides quality electricity and other power products and services to mines in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. CEC owns and operates more than 1000km of primary transmission lines, 540km of which are embedded with optic fibre, and accounts for about 50% of Zambia’s national power consumption. CEC has its sights on becoming the leading Zambian investor, developer and operator of energy infrastructure in Africa by providing innovative solutions and building strategic partnerships through committed professional teams.


The very existence of CEC is founded on innovation – the vision to provide innovative solutions for powering the lucrative copper mining industry in Zambia’s Copperbelt province gave birth to the Rhodesia Congo Border Power Corporation, to be known many years later as the Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc…


The penchant to innovate results in a continuous creation of new opportunities for business growth and expansion. From a single entity operating in the Copperbelt region of Zambia, the Company now has a portfolio of assets, diversified in geography and industry. In power, CEC operates across the entire value chain – from generation to transmission and distribution. Generating energy from hydro, thermal and renewable sources; and developing, financing and operating power assets in Africa, CEC is an indigenous African power infrastructure developer and a dedicated contributor to the continent’s future, true to its vision of becoming a leader in the African energy space…


Our business is connected to people and communities and vice versa. We are aware of the needs of the business just as we appreciate those of the communities around us and we are an active participant in community life. We get involved with causes and projects that make a difference – from seeing to their health needs to educating the children; empowering them with knowledge for more sustainable livelihoods to financing and providing social infrastructure; ensuring our operations and business activities are environmentally sustainable; partnering with others to leverage on resources and skills to providing facilities and resources for positive recreation and development through sport, CEC’s corporate citizenship has never been in doubt…

Download full corporate profile

about CEC

Copperbelt Energy Corporation is a Zambian-based power infrastructure solutions provider. It supplies reliable, cost-effective power to industrial, commercial, and residential customers across sub-Saharan Africa.

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