February 22, 2025
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CEC makes K1.7M COVID-19 contribution

The Copperbelt Energy Corporation PLC (CEC) has donated COVID-19 test kits worth K1.7 million to Zambia’s Ministry of Health.

Making the announcement to the Minister of Health on Saturday, 25th April, Vice Chairman of the CEC Board of Directors, Mr. Reynolds Bowa, stated that being in the electricity industry that demands the safety of people above everything else at all times, CEC understood very well the demands that had been placed on the population by COVID-19 as well as the financial burden needed to observe the safety requirements that come along with it because health and safety are critical.

“It is with this in mind that we have sourced COVID-19 test kits and reagents worth USD95,000 equivalent to K1.7 million to assist the Ministry of Health in its continued ramping up of testing the population because it is only through widespread testing that as many cases as possible can be captured, leading to reduction of continued infections” disclosed Mr. Bowa.

He reiterated that CEC identifies with the adjustments and added costs that members of the public, business entities and indeed the Government, have had to take on as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; and we recognise that no one individual or organisation can fight this battle alone.

The test kits and reagents, expected to be in the country within the next 2 to 3 weeks, have been procured on the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, both in terms of specifications and vendors/suppliers, to ensure compliance with what is needed; and can test up to 4,000 samples and give results at a rate of 376 samples every 2 hours.

In addition to this being a response to the need at hand, the donation is a continuation of the Company’s support to Zambia’s health sector. Recently, CEC donated medical equipment and supplies to 5 rural health centres in Chongwe and Petauke.

For further information, contact:

Chama Nsabika
Corporate Communication
+260 212 244914
+260 966 792922
[email protected]

About the Company

CEC’s core business is the supply of power to the copper mines based on the Copperbelt Province of Zambia and some mining companies in the DRC in conjunction with that country’s state utility, SNEL. CEC wheels power through its network on behalf of ZESCO Ltd on the Copperbelt and operates a transmission interconnection with the DRC.

CEC has four incorporated subsidiaries – CEC-Kabompo Hydro Power Limited (CEC-KHPL), CEC DRC Sarl, CEC-InnoVent South and InnoVent-CEC North. CEC-KHPL is the special purpose vehicle through which CEC is developing the 40MW Kabompo Gorge hydroelectric power project in Mwinilunga District of the North-Western Province of Zambia, while CEC DRC Sarl is a special purpose vehicle incorporated to secure the power trading segment and grow the Company’s interest in the DRC market.

about CEC

Copperbelt Energy Corporation is a Zambian-based power infrastructure solutions provider. It supplies reliable, cost-effective power to industrial, commercial, and residential customers across sub-Saharan Africa.

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