March 14, 2025
Share Post:

CEC | Notice to Shareholders – Unclaimed Dividends

The Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc (CEC) has consistently declared and paid dividends to its shareholders since it was listed on the Lusaka Securities Exchange (“LuSE”) in 2007. Dividend payments are made either by cheque, and posted to shareholders’ respective registered addresses, or directly into the bank accounts of those shareholders who have so instructed. Based on the information available to us, some of the dividend payments made by cheque remain unclaimed by the intended shareholders.

In terms of the Securities Act, No 41 of 2016 (“the Act”), dividends that remain unclaimed for a period of fifteen (15) years from the date of declaration of dividend are liable to be transferred to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and deposited in an investor fund for purposes of investor protection and market development activities as provided by Section 158(3) of the Act. To this effect, shareholders are encouraged to claim their dividends from our Transfer Secretaries or directly from CEC’s offices shown below before they are transferred to the SEC as stipulated by law.

To assist our shareholders with this process, listed below in reverse chronological order are details of the dividends paid by CEC to date:

Date Paid FY Dividend Type Dividend Rate – USD Dividend Rate – ZMW
6-Mar-17 2016 Final 0.012900 0.12800
7-Mar-16 2015 Final 0.010092 0.11360
2-Mar-15 2014 Final 0.008600 0.05530
26-Apr-13 2012 Final 0.004000 0.02000
12-Oct-12 2012 Interim 0.004000 0.03500
27-Apr-12 2011 Final 0.004000 0.02112
7-Oct-11 2011 Interim 0.008100 0.04000
15-Apr-11 2010 Final 0.004200 0.02000
15-Oct-10 2010 Interim 0.004000 0.02000
26-Mar-10 2009 Final 0.006000 0.02819
25-Sep-09 2009 Interim 0.006000 0.02892
3-Apr-09 2009 Interim 0.004000 0.02262
5-Sep-08 2008 Interim 0.008200 0.02958
7-Apr-08 2008 Interim 0.008000 0.02957


CEC urges all its shareholders to verify if they have received the dividends referred to above. If you as a shareholder is in doubt of ever having received the quoted dividend payment(s) or you are a representative of a shareholder by power of attorney or order of administration of a deceased estate, please contact CEC or our Share Transfer Agent, Corpserve, on the following details:

Advisor -Investor Relations
Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc
Headquarters, 23rd Avenue, P O Box 20819
Nkana East, Kitwe, Zambia
Tel: +260 212 244281
Email: [email protected]
Corpserve Transfer Agents Limited
6 Mwaleshi Road, Olympia Park
P O Box 37522, Lusaka, Zambia
Tel: +260 211 256969/70
Email: [email protected]

Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on 23 February 2018

Lusaka Securities Exchange Sponsoring Broker
T: +260-211-232456

E: [email protected]


Stockbrokers Zambia Limited (SBZ) is a founder member of the Lusaka Securities Exchange and is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zambia

about CEC

Copperbelt Energy Corporation is a Zambian-based power infrastructure solutions provider. It supplies reliable, cost-effective power to industrial, commercial, and residential customers across sub-Saharan Africa.

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