March 31, 2025
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CEC | Partners in energy

Boasting a rich history and track record of success in bulk power supply and transmission spanning more than 60 years, the Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc (CEC) is Zambia’s second largest power utility, accounting for at least 50% of national power sales.

Listed on the Lusaka Stock Exchange, CEC is an independent power generation, transmission and distribution business, active in the regional power trading space, and with interrelated interests in optic fibre based telecommunications.

The first privately owned electricity utility in Zambia and Southern Africa, CEC’s customers include some of the world’s top mining companies. CEC is a mature business whose deep mining insight enables it to meet the unique power demands of mining operations, including the world’s wettest underground mines.

The Company’s rich asset base includes over 1,000 kilometres of primary 66/220kV transmission lines, emergency generation and bulk distribution equipment, embedded thermal generation capacity, 41 high voltage substations, a biodiesel production plant of 1,000 litres per annum capacity and a 141km-long transmission interconnector with the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Current business activities:

  • Power supply to the mines – includes emergency/back-up power
  • Domestic wheeling – transmission for national utility
  • International wheeling – power transportation on behalf of Southern African regional utilities
  • Power trading – purchase and sell of power within Southern Africa Power Pool
  • Renewable energy – biodiesel, biomass and solar

about CEC

Copperbelt Energy Corporation is a Zambian-based power infrastructure solutions provider. It supplies reliable, cost-effective power to industrial, commercial, and residential customers across sub-Saharan Africa.

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