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CEC | Poll results of the Resolutions passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting

Reference is made to the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc that was held on Friday, 9th December 2016 at the CBU Multipurpose Hall on Jambo Drive, Riverside, Kitwe at which all the proposed resolutions set out in the EGM Notice were duly passed by the shareholders as ordinary resolutions by way of poll.

As at the date of the EGM, there were 1,650,000,597 issued shares; being the total number of shares entitling the shareholders to attend and vote on all resolutions proposed at the EGM and set out below:

Resolution 1 – Payment of a Dividend in Specie
THAT the distribution of a dividend in specie to the shareholders of the Company as recommended by the Board of Directors in the ratio of one CEC Africa Investments Limited (CEC Africa) share for each share held in the Company be approved.

Resolution 2 – Authority to Directors and Company Secretary
THAT subject to the passing of Resolution 1, the Directors of the Company, the Company Secretary or any approved officer of the Company be authorised to sign all such documents and to cause to be done all such things so as to give effect to the implementation of the Resolutions.

Resolution 3 – General
THAT all acts done by any Director, the Company Secretary or any approved officer of the Company in connection with the transactions contemplated herein, so far as they relate to the Proposed Demerger through a dividend in specie, prior to the date of the above Resolutions be approved.

The EGM was legally and validly convened in compliance with the Companies Act Cap 388 of the Laws of Zambia and the Articles of Association of the Company.

The poll results were as follows:

Number of votes
Resolution For Against Abstain
Resolution 1 1,347,460,431 154,597 22,700
Resolution 2 1,344,196,922 155,681 Nil
Resolution 3 1,343,770,824 118,297 Nil

All the resolutions were favourably voted on by more than two-thirds of votes attaching to the shares entitled to vote and held by the shareholders present in person, by authorised representative or by proxy at the EGM.

By order of the Board

Julia C Z Chaila (Mrs)
Company Secretary

Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on 9 December 2016

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First Issued on 9 December 2016

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about CEC

Copperbelt Energy Corporation is a Zambian-based power infrastructure solutions provider. It supplies reliable, cost-effective power to industrial, commercial, and residential customers across sub-Saharan Africa.

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