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CEC Renewable Energy Essay Writing Competition

Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc (CEC) is an independent power generating, transmission and distribution company with interests in closely linked businesses in Zambia and the African region, including optic fibre based telecommunications.

Zambia at 50 – Diversifying Energy Sources

As Zambia celebrates its golden jubilee, every citizen ought to meaningfully take up their responsibility for adopting energy consumption practices that protect and enhance the wellbeing of our nation. Embracing a diversity of energy sources is one such practice. Investing in and using renewable energy sources is one way of diversifying our energy use and becoming more sustainable in the use of our energy resources. Exploiting renewable energy sources can help meet the needs of people today and in future in an equitable manner.

The benefits of using renewable energy more are not only environmental but include both social and economic outcomes such as localized job creation.

CEC – Investing in Renewable Energy

At CEC, the link between business sustainability and societal good is clear. It is for this reason that the Company is developing energy projects based on technologies that allow extraction of energy for our consumption today in ways that do not negatively impact the ability of future generations to enjoy our natural resources. We call it sustainable energy – the core business of the CEC Renewables Unit, which has a biodiesel plant in Kitwe, currently producing diesel from jatropha curacas derived oil. CEC also has an active interest in other renewable energy sources, particularly solar and biomass power generation.

Thinking Today for Tomorrow

At CEC, there is a belief that the future must be created today and involving young people in creating that future ensures continuity.

CEC now invites enthusiastic, environmentally-friendly and solution-oriented young people with a keen interest in energy and environmental sustainability to participate in an essay writing competition.

What you need to do

Write an essay on green/sustainable energy, covering the following aspects:

  • Your understanding of sustainable energy
  • Identified opportunities within your community for harnessing or generating renewable energy and how ordinary people can be involved in efforts to use our energy resources better
  • The positive impact of using sustainable energy in your community and how it would impact on the environment and quality of life
  • The negative effects of continued and prolonged use of non-renewable energy for a country like Zambia
  • What the country needs to do to become a competitive producer of renewable energy

The winning essay must demonstrate, among other qualities, originality of ideas with arguments backed by practical examples, logical thought and fully expressed ideas.

Participation Criterion

  • Open to in-school young people aged between 12 and 18 years
  • Essay should be between 700 – 1500 words
  • Use a clear font (Arial), size 12 with 1.5 line spacing for TYPED work while HAND WRITTEN entries must be clear, neat and preferably written on lined paper. Poorly written and illegible works will be instantly disqualified.
  • Only one entry per participant
  • Entries should be in the English language
  • The competition attracts NO participation fee

CEC will publish the winning essay in full in the press and any other print or electronic publication to give exposure to the ideas presented.

How to Enter

The entry must include the name, age, postal/physical address, valid phone number and where available, an e-mail address on which the participant may be contacted and the name of the school the entrant attends.

Entries may be sent by:

E-mail: [email protected] | [email protected]
Post: P O Box 20819, Kitwe
Hand delivered: CEC Operations Head Office
23rd Avenue, Nkana East, Kitwe


CEC Corporate Head Office
First Floor, Abacus Square
Stand 2374/B
Thabo Mbeki Road, Lusaka

All envelopes and E-mails must be marked/headed Renewable Energy Essay Writing Competition.

Deadline for submission of entries

Friday, 28 November 2014 (revised)
Friday, 14 November 2014 (original)

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CEC Renewable Energy Essay Writing Competition (301 Kb)

about CEC

Copperbelt Energy Corporation is a Zambian-based power infrastructure solutions provider. It supplies reliable, cost-effective power to industrial, commercial, and residential customers across sub-Saharan Africa.

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