Non-Executive Director
Hastings Mtine
Qualifications: LLB (University of Zambia, Zambia), ACCA (Emile Woolfe College of Accountancy, United Kingdom)
Experience: Hastings is the Managing Partner for MPH Chartered Accounts, which specially focuses on servicing SMEs. He has extensive senior executive level accounting experience, having spent 27 years at KPMG, rising to senior partner in that period. He had also served eight years at Coopers & Lybrand.
His expertise and exposure ranges from financial management, strategic planning and business leadership; covering the entire cycle of financial statements preparation and sign off for private companies, including listed entities, and public sector institutions, board audit committee presentations and overseeing the provision of company secretarial services to companies. In his wide-ranging corporate governance experience, Hastings is a qualified trainer in corporate governance, and was in charge of leading this service to KPMG clients since 1998 until his retirement from the firm in 2011.
He has vast board directorship experience, spanning auditing, banking and financial services, pensions, mining, agriculture and agri-processing. Hastings has served on the boards of the Bank of Zambia, KMPG Zambia and Africa, Zanaco Plc and Konkola Copper Mines Plc. His active directorships include MPH Chartered Accountants, Kwacha Pension Trust Fund and Zanaco Football Club. He’s also the financial expert advisor to the Audit Committee of Zambeef Plc and represents ZCCM-IH in another investee company, Mopani Copper Mines Plc.