October 25, 2024
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Invitation for bids | Electronic vehicle tracking and monitoring system

The Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc (CEC) is an independent power transmission and distribution Company with interests in closely linked businesses, including optic fibre based telecommunications, in Zambia and the African region.

CEC owns and operates a network of substations in all major towns of the Copperbelt and has business interests in various locations across the country, accessible mostly by road transport. This causes the Company to be very dependent on the use of road transport.

Therefore, the Company operates a transport fleet of over 100 vehicles to meet its transportation needs and now invites sealed bids from prospective bidders to supply and install an electronic vehicle tracking and monitoring system on CEC fleet of vehicles.

The objective of this project is to enhance management of Company vehicles and data collection based on the performance of the system as stated below:-

1 Data Collection Performance and incident information

● Vehicle speeds
● Mileage coverage
● Fuel consumption
● Vehicle location
● Particulars of drivers
● Operational time indication

● Speed management
● Road safety
● Operational cost control
● Vehicle life time / cost record
● Flexibility in relocation and redeployment to meet operational


2 Vehicle Security Real time fleet monitoring ● Easy time and location monitoring
● At least five year data storage
3 Easy Interface and Access Internet based access and monitoring by supervisors and stake holders Easy access on mobile phone

● Live interaction with drivers

4 Structured Reporting Spread sheet indicating minimum information to include: driver’s identity, vehicle identity, performance data including time, date, location, department ● Realistic information for decision making.
● Printable worksheets
5 Equipment Ownership Transmission units and relevant equipment to be owned by service providers All equipment not to be sold to CEC
6 Service Relevant Billing Bills will be pro-rated on actual reportable transmission time Only report generating transmissions shall be billed

Bidders should indicate the cost of system installation and the monthly charges in Zambian Kwacha and 16% VAT must be stated clearly.

Bids sealed and clearly marked “Tender for Electronic Vehicle Tracking System” addressed to the Senior Manager-Procurement & Supply PO Box 20819, Kitwe Zambia must be deposited not later than Thursday 1st December 2016 at 14:00hours local time in the Tender Box at CEC Security Reception, Central Street, Nkana East, Kitwe.

The closing date for the receipt of bids is Thursday 1st December 2016 at 14:00 hours.  All posted bids must reach CEC within the stipulated date and time and any bid received after the time and date as above will not be accepted. Bids will be opened thereafter in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend.

Clarification during evaluation

  1. During the evaluation, CEC Plc may request the applicant for any clarifications. The applicant shall furnish the necessary clarifications expeditiously by courier or by any other faster means of communication to CEC Plc at the address given.
  2. Failure to provide information essential to evaluate the applicant’s qualifications, or provide timely clarifications shall entitle CEC Plc the right to declare such a bidder as non-responsive and reject the document.

Note that telefax or electronic bids will NOT be considered.

about CEC

Copperbelt Energy Corporation is a Zambian-based power infrastructure solutions provider. It supplies reliable, cost-effective power to industrial, commercial, and residential customers across sub-Saharan Africa.

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