CEC | Notice of Dividend payment
Notice is hereby given that the Directors of Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc on Friday, 29th January, 2016, approved the payment of a dividend of US Cents 1.0092 per ordinary share, which translates to 11.36 Ngwee (ZMW 0.1136) per share using the Bank of Zambia mid-rate (11.2543) applicable on 29th January, 2016.
In compliance with the requirements of the Securities Act Cap 354 of the Laws of Zambia and the Listing Requirements of the Lusaka Stock Exchange, the dividend shall be payable to the shareholders registered in the share register of the Company at the close of business on Friday, 4th March 2016.
Dividend payments will be posted from and during the week of Monday, 7th March, 2016.
By Order of the Board
2 February 2016
Issued in Lusaka, Zambia on 10 February 2016
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